What's the secret to an effective 1:1 program in schools? Devices? Infrastructure? User agreement? Whilst all of these areas play a role, the classroom TEACHER is the most important and significant ingredient in an effective 1:1 program. Let me be a little more specific. The teachers imagination and creativity, their ability to make connections with the device and applications, their knowledge of the curriculum and the 21st century students who sit in their class. See it is the teachers who see the hidden wonders/magic of an App like iMovie or a web2 tool like Todays Meet. This edition of the appsbypaulhamilton newsletter pays tribute to the creative and innovative teachers in our schools and the impact they are having on young minds across the globe.
Using iMovie in the classroom:
What better way to grab the attention of our students than with a movie trailer. Even better, get students creating narratives through iMovie. This tutorial looks at creating a Narrative using iMovie on an iPad.

Just recently I discovered the world of Podcasting and thought I would use it as a way of discovering great Apps that are out there. I plan to interview Teachers, App Developers and Parents but thought I would start by asking our target audience in this entire discussion: THE KIDS! As Dan Pink suggests we should talk with our students more about what they require/need at school. Here is the Talking Apps with Paul Hamilton first episode. In the first episode, I chat with my 8 year old daughter on her favourite Apps and how they could used at school. Email me if you would like to be on the next show.
Utilizing screen recording animations within an Augmented Reality environment:
Augmented Reality is starting to filter into classrooms across the globe. The Horizon Report is a yearly publication that highlights, analyzes and predicts the ways in which technological advances will change teaching, learning and creative inquiry. The 2013 report describes how and why augmented reality will play an important role in teaching and learning over the next two to three years. Luckily for educators Augmented Reality is available. Using 2 Apps (Aurasma and Explain Everything) you can create your own Augmented Reality experience for your students.

Interesting Observation:
I often get frustrated with those who continue to see the iPad as a solely consuming device. We want our students creating and the iPad delivers creativity and content creation in spades. Our students are using technology differently than we did (and more of it). Anyone who has kids will notice this on a regular basis. As Sir Ken Robinson observes:
“When my son, James, was doing homework for school, he would have five or six windows open on his computer, Instant Messenger was flashing continuously, his cell phone was constantly ringing, and he was downloading music and watching the TV over his shoulder. I don’t know if he was doing any homework, but he was running an empire as far as I could see, so I didn’t really care.”
Students viewing Movies and posing questions:
I have no doubt that students viewing videos adds worth to the educational experience. However, how do we optimise the students experience so that we go further once the video is finished. Traditional note taking is limited. In my experience it is the posing of questions that we want our students to do so that they build a deeper understanding of the concepts. Also, allowing students to find and add content to the lesson needs to be encouraged. Using Today's Meet allows for this. Can students watch media and pose questions at the same time? Absolutely.

Using Video to give Formative Feedback:
Giving effective feedback to students has one of the highest impacts on student learning. As Professor John Hattie states: “Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement” and “This evidence shows that although feedback is among the major influences, the type of feedback and the way it is given can be differentially effective.”
In my experiences video feedback is one of these highly effective methods. Using video as a form of feedback allows: student-student feedback, teacher-student feedback and self feedback.

Upcoming Professional Development for School Leaders:
Looking forward to presenting at the Leading a Digital School conference at Crown Casino in Melbourne next term. My 2 sessions will be on Augmented Reality in Education and 21st Century Skills V Technology. Those who have a leadership position in schools should definitely attend!
For registration details visit:
The IWBNet website HERE
Free teacher tutorials.
Don't forget to check out my free teacher tutorial channel on youtube. It is approaching 40000 views and has plenty of useful and practical tutorials for teachers.
About Paul:
Apps and iBooks by Paul Hamilton
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