Monday, 24 February 2014

Learning Zones and iBeacons in School

Learning Zones and iBeacons in School

I came up with the idea of “learning zones” when I first heard about Apple’s iBeacon technology. I wanted to setup geographical teaching and learning areas around campus that would draw in students and allow them to run through learning experiences with minimum input form the teachers. This would cater for all ability levels and encourage the flipped classroom approach to learning.

Students will receive a notification upon entering each zone, with the students only having to press the notification in order to open the App and then explore the room to find the Learning Zone. This seek and find concept was pivotal in harnessing the natural instincts of students and the q based nature of learning.

Two of these zone include:

Technology learning Zone, where students find and run through a set of introductory coding tutorials. And secondly an Art Learning Zone where students use customised Art tutorials to create art works.

Although only days I have been extremely happy with how this new, iBeacon technology works. It confirms to me that a persons imagination, in regard to use of technology, is where true innovation and magic happens in the classroom.


Beacon Suppliers:

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